

The 学生辅导中心 provides the following links for our JU community to use to gather information 和资源 about a variety of common concerns that college 学生的脸. While we aim to collect resources that are credible and evidence-based, we do not assume responsibility for the information provided on these sites. 这些 resources are not intended as a substitute for counseling, but may 帮助 guide you in your understanding of common life experiences and learning about tools to address 挑战. If you have questions about any of these topics, please contact the SCC 或者把这些材料带到下次咨询师那里. 


大学生心理健康: Learn about the current state of mental health on college campuses, find in-depth information on many common concerns and diagnoses, how to access accommodations, 如何在校园和社区中找到支持. 

大学心理健康: Recommendations for navigating college while experiencing mental health concerns.

焦虑 & 压力

学生压力管理指南: Gain an understanding of the function, presentation, effects of stress in your life, as well as stress management techniques, 和资源 that are available to 大学生. 

理解焦虑: Brief articles about anxiety, its types, causes, related topics. 

焦虑性障碍: An overview of anxiety, its signs and symptoms, risk factors, treatments, therapies. 

减轻压力的方法: 三个简单的呼吸和正念技巧.

渐进式肌肉放松: Practice this technique to 帮助 relax and relieve tension held in the body. 

HeartMath体验课程: Learn about biofeedback and mindfulness techniques (free for a limited time).

Medito基础: 指导正念和冥想的免费网站和应用程序.


抑郁症的基本知识: A detailed guide about the various types of depression, its symptoms, treatment options, 和资源. 

应对抑郁症: Practical tips and strategies for coping with depression and taking action to improve 你的健康.

DBT抗痛苦能力: 帮助你应对情绪危机的技巧指南.

反射应用程序: 每日自我护理日记.


自杀 & 危机的生命线: 9-8-8 | Call or text this number to connect immediately with a trained crisis worker if you are thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would 比如情感支持.

帮助自己: 资源 and guidance for people experiencing thoughts 自杀的.

帮助别人: 资源 and guidance for understanding and supporting people experiencing thoughts 自杀的.

美国自杀预防基金会: An organization providing support and hope for those affected by suicide.


健康应对不舒服情绪的技巧: 学习以情绪为中心和以问题为中心的应对策略.

应对技能: 管理困难情绪的即时工具的想法.

正念应对技巧: Strategies to increase calm, focus, clarity during times of distress.

开始学习正念: 学习正念以及如何开始练习它. 

每个人都需要的25种应对技巧(视频): 获得有用的应对技巧的想法,开始练习. 


12种方法让你更好地照顾自己: A guide to the basics of self-care, ideas for investing in yourself.

自助值机: A worksheet to 帮助 you assess your current state of self-care and gain ideas for 照顾自己的新方法. 


戈特曼研究所博客: An assortment of articles that provide wisdom and research about topics that can 帮助 support and strengthen marriages, families, relationships.

一个爱的有用的关系工具: An introduction to identifying healthy and unhealthy behavior in relationships. 

改善人际关系的最简单方法(视频): A short video about paying attention to your partner during small, everyday moments. 

有效的沟通: A guide to understanding and engaging in effective communication with the people 在你的生活中.

处理分手或离婚: A guide to coping with loss, taking care of yourself, learning important lessons 一段关系结束后.


移情(视频): A short animated video describing the best way to 帮助 ease someone's pain.

支持与心理健康作斗争的亲人: 实用的“该做和不该做”来支持你所爱的人.

How to Talk (and Listen) to Someone Experiencing Suicidal Thoughts: 谈论自杀的指南.

支持遭受虐待的亲人: 在虐待关系中支持爱人的方法.

帮助有毒瘾的朋友: A guide for understanding and talking to a loved one about addiction. 

研究 & 考试焦虑

如何减轻大学生的考试焦虑: 理解和应对短信焦虑症的指南. 

应对考试焦虑的基本建议: 考试前、考试中和考试后的有用提示.

学习: 提高学习效率的六个策略. 

101年研究: Learn about effective study strategies to study smarter, not harder. 

如何停止拖延症: 一个理解和克服非理性拖延的指南.


Trevor支持中心: A collection of information 和资源 related to sexual orientation, gender identity, 和更多的.

人权运动: A collection of resources related to mental, physical, social, relational, occupational, 以及LGBTQ+人群的教育健康.

JASMYN: A Jacksonville organization that supports and empowers LGBTQ young people by creating safe space, providing health and wholeness services, offering youth development opportunities, while bringing people 和资源 together to promote equality and 人权.

杰克逊维尔同性恋亲友会: Support for parents, families, allies of people who are LGBT+.


谈论种族: Provides tools and guidance to empower your journey and inspire conversations about 比赛.

黑人女孩的治疗博客 & 播客: An online space dedicated to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls. 

斟满杯子: Four ways people of color can foster mental health and practice restorative healing.

Latinx疗法: A collection of online content about Latinx mental health topics, book recommendations 西班牙语和英语.

亚洲人做治疗: An online site working to reduce mental health stigma and increase counseling accessibility 为亚洲人准备的.

黑人社区面临的心理健康问题: An overview of the effect of racism, common mental health concerns among Black people, 并在寻找符合文化的护理方面提供支持. 


改善睡眠卫生: Simple strategies to improve your sleep hygiene and get a quality night of sleep.

睡眠基金会: 关于睡眠的所有资源的集合.

学生营养指南: 为你的身体和大脑提供能量的有用建议. 

了解饮食失调: A detailed guide about types of eating disorders, causes, treatments, resources, 支持和常见问题.

饮食失调联盟: Support for individuals and loved ones affected by eating disorders. 提供免费的 每周由治疗师领导的支持小组. 

国家饮食失调协会: 支持受饮食失调影响的个人和家庭. 

免费的食物: 资源 for free food pantries, banks, coupons throughout Jacksonville, FL.

性健康 & 健康

全国性健康联盟: A comprehensive resource guide ranging from sexual concerns, to pleasure, to getting 帮助.

枕头谈话播客: 性治疗师和丈夫二人组谈论所有关于性的事情!

性健康资源: Education about Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) including statistics, coping, 倡导和支持. 

健康的性: An online education resource guide to support healthy, love-based sexuality. 


酒精康复帮助: 关于酒精成瘾和康复的信息和资源.

什么是上瘾?: 了解物质使用,包括 阿片类药物, 大麻, 阿得拉, 酒精, 冰毒, 可卡因.