



下午好,同学们,老师们,工作人员们. 杰克逊维尔大学紧急事件 Preparedness Team continues to monitor the severe weather expected in our area. 类 今天,1月9日,所有JU网站都被取消了.

We are likely to experience heavy rains, strong winds, localized 洪水, and an 从下午2点左右开始,整个下午龙卷风的风险增加.m. 学生 who remain on campus please be cautious and watch for downed tree limbs and potential 洪水.

校园将于周三上午恢复正常运作. 课程及活动 周三将不受干扰地进行.

杰克逊维尔大学紧急事件 Preparedness Team is monitoring some severe weather that will be passing through the Jacksonville area Tuesday, January 9.

为了海豚社区的安全, classes will be cancelled on Tuesday, January 在全球网络赌博平台的阿灵顿,海滩大道,市中心和棕榈海岸地点. 全球网络赌博平台预计 to begin seeing some significant impacts of this weather system as early as 1:00 p.m.



As a reminder, the 应急准备小组 is in close communication with the National Weather Service, Duval County, and emergency planning officials throughout 该地区. 如果发生紧急情况,全球网络赌博平台会随时提醒您. 请谨慎行事 在即将到来的恶劣天气中.


If you experience an emergency, please contact 校园安全 directly at (904) 256-7585. 警官每周7天,每天24小时都在.






观看JU校长Tim Cost博士的最新报道. 克里斯蒂·戈弗,学生事务主任, and DaVina Hamilton, Associate Dean of 学生, for important details on our campus 为飓风伊达利亚做准备.


Hi everybody, Tim Cost here from right in the center of the 杰克逊维尔大学 校园,感谢收听. 全球网络赌博平台想花点时间谈谈 这场即将到来的风暴. 全球网络赌博平台一直在研究这些东西 a decade together; our goal is always the health and wellbeing of our students. 他们的 physical and mental wellbeing all the time, but specially their 安全ty and security 在这种类型的风暴中. 全球网络赌博平台在这方面很有经验,全球网络赌博平台认为你 might like to know as we handle this one, what's the process and protocol we go through.

I'm really pleased to have two very experienced people here who know what's going on. Let me turn it over now to I think one of the best Deans of 学生 in the country. She's been doing it a long time with a lot of experience in this type of thing: Dr. 克里斯蒂戈夫.

谢谢你,科斯特校长. 全球网络赌博平台的应急准备小组将继续开会 在接下来的三天里全球网络赌博平台为风暴做准备和计划. 全球网络赌博平台预计 that inclement weather to arrive in Jacksonville in the wee hours of Wednesday morning and throughout the day Wednesday we should expect high winds, tropical storm-like 天气上升到三级飓风. 今天和我在一起的是达维娜·汉密尔顿 be staying on campus along with her family to ensure the 安全ty of your students and 在风暴期间,请全天候关注校园社区和影响. 达维娜已经 some information to share with you about what your students should expect during this time.

谢谢,克里斯蒂. 正确的! 所以,就像克里斯蒂说的,我会一直在这里 暴风雨在照顾你的学生. 首先,全球网络赌博平台希望他们能 fill out the roll call film form that they should have received via their JU email. Let us know where they're going or if they are staying, that way we can take good 照顾好他们. 我希望你鼓励学生做的另一件事是留下来 在室内. 在今晚的风暴中,直到他们得到解除警报的通知. 最后,请知道,全球网络赌博平台将为您的学生提供食物. 将会有自助餐 both North and Oak Hall, as well as care packages available for students who reside 在村里的公寓里好好利用. 你的学生会吃得很好 照顾得很好. 请知道,全球网络赌博平台也会有一些节目来留住他们 在这段时间里娱乐.

谢谢,达维娜. 请继续关注并通过电子邮件和全球网络赌博平台的 在风暴期间的社交媒体渠道.

So, now that we're going to wrap up, know that we stay connected with every kind of organization, whether it's school districts, other universities, the sheriff, the National Weather Service, the Mayor, we are trying to do the best things for the students 这里和这些人做得很好. 所以,像任何家庭一样,让全球网络赌博平台交流. 所以,全球网络赌博平台 会发布信息吗. 请与全球网络赌博平台保持密切联系. 谢谢大家,留下来 安全.



杰克逊维尔大学's 应急准备小组 is currently monitoring Tropical 墨西哥湾的伊达利亚风暴.

为了海豚社区的安全, 课程将以异步、在线的方式进行 8月29日星期二和8月31日星期四. 课程将被取消大学将停课 8月30日星期三. 教职员工应该计划在周二远程工作 如果可能的话,周四 并且是任何关键业务需求所必需的.

教师 are encouraged to be lenient with students who may be traveling, experience power outages, or have trouble connecting to the internet while classes are held asynchronously.


The most recent forecast predicts Idalia will move north through the Gulf and turn towards the northeast during the day on Tuesday, August 29, to make landfall along 佛罗里达州“大本德”地区周三凌晨. 伊达利亚目前是热带地区 Storm with maximum sustained winds of 70 mph, but is expected to become a hurricane.

Given the size and predicted path of the storm, we may begin to experience locally heavy rainfall and increased winds early Wednesday morning, 和 forecast from the National Weather Service indicates that local impacts are possible through Wednesday 晚上.

Please look for further updates through your JU email and on JU social media.


We are well-prepared to house residential students on campus throughout the storm. 学生 may choose to leave, but the 杰克逊维尔大学 residence halls are not in an evacuation zone, and we are equipped with back-up generators, an additional water supply, and stores of food to ensure the continuation of normal residence hall 用餐活动.

Residential students should check their JU email for full details from Residential 人生,包括指令来完成 飓风伊达利亚点名.

The Riverview Dining Hall will remain open on Tuesday for regular dining service, 但将于周三关闭. 代替正常的用餐服务,将提供膳食 周三在橡树厅和北厅举行. 下面是自助餐的时间表 在奥克和诺斯的服务.


Village Care Packages (waters and non-perishable goods) will be available for pickup 从周二下午两点开始在河景餐厅.m. - 8:30 p.m.



  • 早餐:8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
  • 午餐:中午12点.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • 晚餐:下午5:00.m. - 7:00 p.m.

A snack and water bottle station will be set up in Oak, Botts, Williams, and North Halls prior to lunch and will be refreshed for the night during dinner service.


  • 开放时间11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.


All law classes will be held virtually on Tuesday and Thursday, unless otherwise canceled 由大学主办. 星期三的课被取消了. 学生应该检查他们的 email for additional communications from the College of Law administration and faculty. The VyStar campus will be closed on Wednesday, and faculty, staff, and students should 在有进一步消息前不要进城. 

In the event of an emergency, notifications and alerts will be broadcast immediately 通过以下沟通渠道的组合:


We work throughout the year to prepare for tropical systems like Idalia, and we are 采取一切必要的预防措施,以防这个系统威胁到全球网络赌博平台. 紧急 Preparedness Team will continue to monitor Idalia closely with the help of the National 气象局和当地政府官员.

If you experience an emergency, please contact 校园安全 directly at (904) 256-7585. 警官每周7天,每天24小时都在.


