Frequently Asked Questions 转移 Student 招生

​​Who is considered a transfer student?

在杰克逊维尔大学,如果你已经毕业,你将被视为转学生 高中毕业,并获得至少一个地区认可的学分 成绩为C或C以上的学院或大学(没有发展或补救) 课程).

*不包括双录取学生或已获得AP, IB或AICE的学生 信贷 while still in high school. 如果你 are a dual enrolled high school student you will apply as a freshman.



We’ve made it easy for you to apply online. 完成 JU undergraduate, transfer application.


请索取你所就读的每所学院或大学的正式成绩单. Please have the official copy mailed to 2800 大学 Blvd. North, Jacksonville, FL 32211.

如果你 have attended a university abroad, we require a WES (www.韦斯.org)或Silny ( evaluation of that transcript. Please choose the course by course evaluation. 波 非洲学校和巴哈马学院不需要进行这项评估.

  • 如果你的可转学学时少于24小时,请提供正式的高中成绩单 are needed in addition to 大学 and university transcripts.
  • 美术专业的学生必须被大学录取并经过试镜 或作品集审查将被考虑进入美术系.
  • 隐瞒以前在学院或大学完成的课程,是否 有意或无意,是取消入学和注册的原因.


获得地区认可的学院或大学的副学士学位的毕业生 文科(AA)学位或学士学位(在寻求第二学位的情况下) 学生)应联系JU招生办公室了解转学的详细信息 大学学分. In most cases, a regionally-ac信贷ed AA or Baccalaureate curriculum satisfies JU’s general education, or core curriculum, requirements.

How will my 信贷s transfer?

  • 在经过地区认证的机构完成的学术课程 如果转学的课程与所开设的课程相当,可以接受代理课程 at JU and were completed with a grade of “C” (2.0)或更好. 有等级的班级 earned of “C-” with quality points of fewer than 2.0 are not accepted for transfer 信贷.
  • Grades recorded as “P” for Pass, “CR” for Credit, etc., will be transferred only if 前一个机构的注册商提供工作已完成的证明 以“C”开头.0)或更高的成绩. A “P” grade will be accepted for transfer for Physical Education Activity classes. Students desiring transfer 信贷 for courses completed 在另一个机构可能需要提供该目录的副本 institution so that an evaluation of transfer 信贷 may be made. 转移信用 对于计入BSN专业要求的护理课程,必须由护理部门批准 教师.
  • 联邦航空管理局(FAA)的航空证书可以获得学分 if the holder is enrolled in one of the aviation programs. Occupational/vocational 杰克逊维尔大学一般不接受大学水平的课程作为转学分 大学.
  • 任何转到杰克逊维尔大学的工作都将记入JU成绩单 只计算学时,不计算平均绩点.
  • 最多60个学时的转学学分将被接受 大学. 最多90个学分的转学学分将被接受 4 year 大学 or university.
  • 学士学位的最后30个学期必须在杰克逊维尔完成 大学.

当本科生提交正式成绩单并被录取时,学分 are evaluated for transferability to Jacksonville 大学. Each graduate program director evaluates transfer 信贷 for students in their program.

也可以接受专门或特殊目的的有限或临时信用证 机构,包括美国武装部队,只要工作是适用的 到JU本科学位课程,并在适当的出版物中推荐 of the American Council on Education. Please provide the Office of Admission with an official transcript.

Are transfer students eligible for scholarships?

学生将自动获得杰克逊维尔大学的学术优秀奖学金 大学 during the review of your application. Merit scholarships for transfer students range up to $17,500 per year. Your scholarship amount will be determined by your overall cumulative gpa in your 大学 coursework. 如果你 have less than 24 大学学分全球网络赌博平台会根据你的高中gpa来计算你的奖学金数额. Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会成员,可以向全球网络赌博平台提供其证书副本.

全球网络赌博平台也鼓励学生完成联邦学生援助免费申请 在万维网 school code is 001495).

Which of my previous 大学 courses will transfer over as JU Credit?

一旦学生被录取(带着正式成绩单)并支付了500美元 enrollment deposit, a formal 转移 Evaluation Report (TER) is created. 居奖 完成学院或大学水平课程并获得C或C以上(无发展)的学分 or remedial classes). Some classes may transfer in as elective 信贷 rather than 信贷 for a core or major requirement. The previous 大学 must be regionally ac信贷ed for JU to consider awarding transfer 信贷s.

What are the next steps if I am admitted?

  1. 注意查收关于订阅“全球网络赌博平台学校应用程序”网站的电子邮件. 这是 一个面向未来和现在的JU学生和员工的社交网站. 这将 这也是你寻找室友的主要方法,所以加入是很重要的!
  2. 参观校园. 如果你 have not already visited Jacksonville 大学’s beautiful 校园, 你可以在网上回复. 在此表格中,您还可以提出特殊要求,例如与财务主管会面 aid counselor, meeting with a professor or sitting in on a class.
  3. 完成 Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA). 全球网络赌博平台学校的校规是 001495. 一旦全球网络赌博平台的财务援助办公室收到你的FAFSA信息,他们就会 create a comprehensive financial package for you. 你会收到 your comprehensive financial aid package by mail. You may also reach them at 904-256-7060.
  4. Submit your $500 enrollment deposit. You may submit your payment online in your application 门户网站. 您也可以打电话给全球网络赌博平台与您的信用卡号码提交付款 电话. 如果你 are using military benefits, your deposit may be waived if your benefits provide you with 100% coverage of your tuition. Please check with our VA Office for more details at 904-256-7638.


通常情况下,你会通过电子邮件收到杰克逊维尔大学的用户名和密码 72小时内. 这将 allow you access to:

  • Make an appointment with academic advising to register for classes. 你会收到 学术指导办公室的电子邮件,但如果你需要联系他们 time, you may call them at 904-256-7170 或者发邮件到
  • 完成 housing application. 2月1日,秋季入学的学生可以申请住房 and October 1st for students entering in the spring. For questions about housing, you may contact the Office of 住宅生活 at 904-256-7538.


  • 完成 免疫形式.
  • 高中毕业后提交正式的最终成绩单. 如果你 如果你是转校生,并且可转换的大学学分少于24个,全球网络赌博平台会这样做吗 also require an official, final high school transcript.
  • 提交你的正式的,最终的大学成绩单,如果你是双录取或如果你 are a transfer student.
  • Submit official exam scores from AP, IB, AICE and CLEP programs.
  • Check your e-mail frequently for the most updated information about orientation, housing, advising, etc.

​Request Information 申请大学