

Tim Cost


  • 就职时间:2013年2月1日

Becoming the 12th president of his undergraduate alma mater, 杰克逊维尔大学, remains an incredible honor for President Cost, and is the realization of both a personal 和专业目标在一个卓越的领导力遗产.

His Story

“在我心里,我从未离开过JU. 我在这里投入的时间和精力比任何地方都多. 这是一个特别的地方."

President Cost, a 1981 Magna Cum Laude 杰克逊维尔大学 graduate, received 他在威廉E. 西蒙商学院 University of Rochester, and is a graduate of Harvard University’s Presidential Seminar. As a collegiate athlete and four-year letterman on the JU baseball team, he is one of the top 10 winningest pitchers in JU Baseball and, as a freshman in his first NCAA 他投出了JU历史上唯一一个9局无安打的比赛.


Since the days of baseball and business degrees, President Cost has invested more than 30 years on senior management teams at several of the world’s largest and best-known institutions, including Bristol-Myers Squibb, Kodak, ARAMARK, Pharmacia, Wyeth/Pfizer, 约翰逊和年会/ & 约翰逊,以及他过去担任全球卫生主席的职务 总部位于华盛顿的安可咨询公司 . 每个角色都帮助细化 his approach to leadership, capitalizing on the strengths of diverse teams to maximize 才能、信任、关系和业绩. 科斯特总统致力于提供帮助 mentor young talent, and likes to explain that process as "inspiring the good to be great."

Building on the education he received at JU, President Cost crafted an impressive foundation as an experienced business leader, adding to his academic credentials acquired skills in marketing, strategy, public policy, capital markets, crisis and issues management, investor relations, government affairs, business development, philanthropy, brand and corporate communications, customer outreach and retention, mergers and acquisitions, regulatory affairs, corporate social responsibility, reputation management and alliance 这些都是财富500强公司的经验.

Throughout his career, President Cost was part of successful senior management teams known for their innovation (FORTUNE’s "Most Innovative Companies"), optimal workplace environments ("Best Places to Work"), inclusion ("Best Places for Women," "Best Places 为西班牙裔美国人”和其他人)和渐进式管理(“最改善的美国.S. Investor 关系计划”)等.

Handling high-profile, public, on-the-record interactions with media, investors, donors, government officials, partners and stakeholders, he has been honored as one of the 美国最优秀的商务沟通者.S. (《全球赌博十大网站》,2011年).

President Cost and his wife of 39 years, Stephanie Cost, are the proud parents of 两个孩子,梅勒妮和德鲁.

Students First

全球网络赌博平台相信创新能带来增长,而不是维持现状. 学生得到个性化的关注 they need, while being challenged to stretch themselves in pursuit of excellence.”

Affable, confident and not above poking fun at himself, he cares most deeply about students. 在美丽的JU校园里,经常可以看到Cost校长的身影 with students, texting alumni, Trustees or community members, or pulling aside faculty 以及工作人员的快速建议或鼓励. 他以 providing his personal mobile number to any and all students, challenging them to 让他了解学生的优先事项.

Well-versed in balancing the best interests and competing incentives, President Cost interacts with many stakeholders: faculty, staff, communities, investors, analysts, boards, donors, partners, fellow executives, regulators, policy makers, elected officials, 政府机构、媒体和倡导者.

但他每天的每一分钟都把学生放在首位. 这一承诺 从他自己作为JU海豚的经历中诞生的. Cost总统的第一手资料 of what students need and aspire to is what drives him to ask his favorite question. In any University leadership meeting, he is apt to say: “If I’m a student, why do 我很关心这个? 为什么这对我有好处?”


The graduation of the Class of 2017 marked the first group of freshmen who arrived 在科斯特校长上任之初. 他经常说它是 对他个人来说,这是一个强大的时刻. 杰克逊维尔大学的前任获得者 Distinguished Alumni of Excellence Award (2006), President Cost also joined the JU Board of Trustees in 2009, chairing both the Enrollment and Retention Committee and 发展委员会.

However, none of these accolades motivate him in the same way as direct feedback from students. 他的开放政策表明了他对中国文化的坚定信念 University.  “全球网络赌博平台正在创造真正的学习者——终身追求学习的人 成为明天的全球公民. 全球网络赌博平台不是一个学生随便去的地方 完成任务清单上的一项,然后找到一份工作,任何工作都可以. 全球网络赌博平台的学生受到启发 推动自己,建立事业,激发持久的激情.”


“我深信文化. 更准确地说,在JU的文化中. 追求卓越的文化; 合作、诚信、尊重和社区参与.”

Over the years, President Cost has been involved in numerous campaigns to support and improve JU, including his leadership in the investment of more than $50 million 以及雄心勃勃的1.2亿美元ASPIRE发展活动. His leadership was also pivotal in launching the Florida EPIC program at JU, to support STEM education, 区域经济投资和创造就业机会. 但他的视野远比 就是校园里发生的事.

蒂姆和斯蒂芬妮·CostHis work ethic and tireless commitment to giving back stretch beyond on-campus improvement. President Cost devotes numerous hours to civic and community volunteerism and impacting organizations like the Franklin Caucus, Students in Free Enterprise, the Jacksonville 治安官社区外展战略倡议, Community Volunteers in Medicine, where he received the Pillar Award for his philanthropic and leadership service to provide healthcare to workers in need, and the Florida Council 在那里,他被选入了商业名人堂. 

He has served as Chairman of the Jacksonville Civic Council, JAXUSA Partnership, the Education Advisory Board of the Northeast Florida STEM – Hub Initiative, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Strategic Initiative on Community Outreach and former member of the NCAA 1部董事会,NCAA总统论坛,网络.com董事会, and the Boards of the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra, WJCT Public Broadcasting, Stein Mart和JaxSports.

President Cost is a member of many civic, cultural, and business Boards:  The Federal 亚特兰大储备银行,佛罗里达100人委员会,Guidewell互助控股公司., Brooks Rehabilitation, Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce,  Atlantic Sun Presidents Council, 和球员委员会.

He and his wife, Stephanie, keep a finger on the pulse of the Arlington community, 而且是整个城市和州的.

"Ultimately, to me – and this counts for colleagues, the community, our students, 教职员工——领导就是服务. 你需要在哪里见人 他们每天都在产生影响.”